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Minutes, August 2010
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting August 3, 6:00 p.m.
Director’s office

Present: Bob Zak, Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins

Agenda Items:

The minutes of the June 3rd and July 6th meetings were approved.
Director’s Report:
Kelly met with Town Administrator Don Lowe on 7/27. He was concerned about possible shortages in the heat and electricity budget. Kelly identified potential savings in other areas: savings of $2464 by paying C/W MARS assessment within 60 days, cutting Professional Development by $250, Repairs cut by $500, Trash Removal $192 - should be in DPW’s budget, and a savings of $250 for Postage, with more notices being sent electronically.
They also discussed shelvers. Don informed Kelly that his decision was to eliminate step increases for incumbents, and to allow COLA. He also stated that the incoming shelvers, who will earn $9/hr will be eligible for COLA only.
Martha Remington spoke with Kelly about her concern regarding the metal grates around the trees in the parking area. She sited studies showing such grates scorch roots and shorten the lives of the trees.
An abutter, Andrew Burnett requested something be done about the noise made by the a/c unit. A part should be arriving toward the end of July which, once installed, should reduce the noise.
Staff members have noticed small groups gathering for meetings in public areas of the library.
Kelly and Caitlin met with Ann Marie Hershburger to talk about the Art-In event tentatively scheduled for Oct. 9th.

The trustees discussed Martha Remington’s request to remove the grates around the trees in the parking lot. It was agreed that there was potential for damage to the trees. A motion was made by Chris, seconded by Bob to remove the grates and put them in storage. The motion passed unanimously. The trustees asked Kelly to contact Martha for suggestions for materials to replace the grates, such as mulch.

Small Meetings:
Small groups (3 – 8 people) have been holding meetings in public areas of the library. Kelly expressed concern that other patrons might be hesitant to enter the room where the meeting is taking place to get materials. Kelly suggested steering the meeting people to the program room if available. The trustees also thought that signage should be placed in these rooms (especially the Local History Room) stating that these are public areas, and all patrons are welcome to access the rooms even if meetings are taking place.
Chief Alfano suggested that we not use Main Street as the subject of the first Art-In for safety reasons, but instead have first subject be one of the schools.

Children’s Library:
The trustees moved upstairs to meet with the children’s librarian. Roxanne gave a brief presentation of current activities, and an overview of future plans. It is our goal to make the area more engaging, However it is felt that this should be accomplished by starting small. Roxanne will put together a survey to find out what the patrons want. The Friends have proposed purchasing a train table for the children’s room. Rather than approving a large purchase which may end up not being used a lot, the trustees have postponed making a decision on this. Chris will go to the Friends meeting in September to discuss this and other proposals.

Bob has spoken with Ann Hurd. She is waiting for permits for their septic system. Roland suggested getting something in writing from her stating that they will restore the area after completion of their project.

Building Update:
There will be a conference call to talk about the punch list. A few more items have been crossed off. There will be HVAC training Friday afternoon. The doll house platform was delivered, but needs some modifications. The trustees will ask Tim Fiehler to work on this.

Art Policy:
Kelly has sent drafts of an art policy for review by the trustees. This will be discussed at the September meeting.

Bob had a long talk with the founder of the Boxborough Library Foundation’s founder. The founder will send Bob copies of all their paperwork. Chris will work on setting up a foundation for the Bolton Library

Kelly will work with Roxanne on the survey to include the library in general in addition to the Children’s Room. This will include asking what hours the public would like the library to be open.
Kelly has received an offer from a school in Hudson offering the volunteer work of two high functioning autistic students, who would be accompanied with supervisors. Kelly will bring this up at a staff meeting to find ways to used these volunteers.

The next meeting will be Tuesday September 7th at 6 p.m. at the library.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling